Budget Cuts in CSUs

Marlene Salinas

February 18, 2009

California State University (CSU) students plan to rally in March to protest both the state budget cuts for all CSU schools and the lack of funding for financial aid.

The CSU have slowly had their budgets cut for the last five years but the most dramatic cuts have been the ones in the fiscal years of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. In both years the total amount being cut from the budget is above $590 million. Not only are the CSU's lacking monetary resources the students are faced with high tuition and fee hikes.

Alex Hernandez, an 18-year-old freshman at CSU Northridge, is involved with the Students for Quality Education (SQE) organization and an intern for the California Faculty Association. The SQE has scheduled the March in March event that will take place on March 11th. According to Hernandez, this event will be used to raise awareness about the CSU budget cuts and let California legislators know that students see the upcoming cuts as an injustice. "Education is our voice," said Hernandez, "And without a voice you can't stand up for injustices."

The state budget has also called for the removal of Cal grants. Hernandez, who recieved a Cal Grant B for the 2008-2009 school year, is now worried how he will pay for the rest of his academic career. "I gave up my car and work two jobs," said Hernandez, "But it still isn't enough."

"In terms of American public higher education," says Tom Hogen-Esch, "CSU's are still the best deal." Hogen-Esch is a Political Science professor at CSU Northridge and he explains that the government subsidizes the cost of higher education from $12 thousand to $3 thousand. "Students think they are paying to go to school," said Hogen-Esch,"But they are actually being paid." 

Pictures Courtesy of Derek Alcantar